So now that we know its a boy, were making decisions on everything in order to get ready for my shower next month. We registered at Babies R Us and it took us about two hours!! Who knew but Nick was more then ready to leave lol. We didn't choose any bedding there simply because we did not like any. We have three options which we will just end up buying ourselves which is more then fine. So please vote and if theres a certain one that you just dont like at all please tell me why below :) TY ***I will note that i do not like typical boy bedding that consists of noahs ark and trucks and cars. Im not really into the rainforest/jungle theme either but yes one of them does have animals on it ***
These are not in order of the ones i favor the most :)
#1 above is from jcp.com
#2 above is Nojo Jungle tales
#3 is giggling turtles from the gap.
I vote 2!
ReplyDeleteI like the turtles best! I'm a fan of the primary colors :)
ReplyDeleteI like the first one best :)