Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So we thought we'd find out if we were having a son or a daughter but to our surprise thats a big no. We walked into the Ultrasound and she looked at my placenta and cervix and i mean really looked at that placenta which im happy about. I inquired about this being our anat. scan and she said it wasnt when we were clearly told it was. I am too early for that scan and had issues with downing two bottles of water before hand, which i actually threw up from drinking too fast and barely had any in me.

She stated she thought things looked great and that this will be the last time the whole baby will fit on one screen, AHHHH!! Heart rate was 151 bpm and they were very very active. My doctor said she was sooo happy that things are looking better. The placenta moved away from my cervix and is reattaching! She said theres a small blood clot but apparently i had it last time and it hasnt gotten bigger so no need to worry but if i experience bleeding again not to panic.

Im still considered a high risk pregnancy but bedrest is lifted!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!! Nick had the day off and took me to lunch afterwards which was my first outing and it was short but sweet. I also brought up a few concerns i have about my BP so im doing a protein test for that tomorrow and friday. As well as i was diagnosed with Pregnancy Carpal Tunnel which is why i only have the energy to type this once. She tested me and had me put my wrists in a certain position and hold it and it was extremely painful! So now i have a splint on my right hand and wrist. Im limited to a certain amt. of computer activity and driving. She said this type of carpal tunnel is very common in pregnant women because of all the extra fluid pushing on the nerves and tendons.

My next routine appt is october 7th and for sure they are determining the gender then is what my doctor said :) I go at 9 am for the ultrasound and 10 for the doctor. Thanks to everyone for all of your prayers, we still need them because we worry every day but were glad we got some good news for a change! I apologize for any texts/messages online that i havent responded to i just can barely type as it is but im trying.

1 comment:

  1. My guess is that it is a girl....girls only give you that much trouble and Matthew's HR was always in the 180's. -Katie Nieman
