So im already very ancy and still have just over a week to go until my next doctors appointment. I wanted to do a craft and selected something for the baby. I selected all the fabric online and sent nick out to look for it. The phone rang multiple times and he got most of them and only picked one wrong fabric. I was very surprised to see how excited Nick was to help me with the project, but dont tell him i said that lol. We picked boy and girl patterns since we dont know which one it will be and made four of each pattern. So currently we have 12 completed and still have more fabric. The backside is a different print from the front side. Above is a picture of some of the different patterns.
On another, non-baby note, today is the one year anniversary of my father in laws death. I cannot believe it has been a year. If you could keep Nick's mom, sister, nick and I in your thoughts and prayers today it would be wonderful. I am sure Nick will not say much today about it but they could all use your prayers today. I wear my purple bracelet proudly to help keep awareness out there for pancreatic cancer. They need more funding and research to get rid of such a terrible deadly disease.